Friday, February 14, 2014

Lafayette Louisiana

Today was spent in Lafayette.  We went to one of the Jean Lafitte NHP sites, the Acadian Cultural Center.  Jacob and Michael worked on the junior ranger program.  After that we went to the Blue Dog Café.  It was owned by George Rodrigue, the artist who painted the Blue Dog.  We studied Mr. Rodrigue as part of our art class this year.  Sadly he passed away in December of lung cancer.  The restaurant walls are covered with his art.  The food was good.  I REALLY liked the dirty rice and the crusty bread! 

We checked into our hotel and I took a nap!  I very rarely take naps, but today I did.  And I had a really weird dream.  Nancy Reagan was catching puffer fish with a bucket!  I think that is one of the strangest dreams I have ever had!

Michael colored his dog green with red eyes, then Jacob colored his the opposite.

This place had paper on the tables and I was just sure they were meant to draw on!  I think that is what Mr. Rodrigue intended.  I drew this skull then David added the rest to make it a whole dog skeleton.

Jacob's food....that brown lump on the side was the dirty dog rice!!!! YUMMMM


Jessica said...

The food from the blue dogs looks wonderful! And the cafe looks like it has a great atmosphere.

Are those badges on the boys vests earned at different national parks? They look great.

Momeena (Juanita) said...

Yep...the badges are all from National Parks. We LOVE National Parks!

Jessica said...

I wish the national parks here would do so,etching like that, it would encourage kids and get them more interested on both history and nature!