Sunday, February 16, 2014

Vicksburg National Historical Site

We spent most of the day in Vicksburg.  This park reminded me of Gettysburg in the way you see it.  There were lots of very cool monuments from the different states that fought in this battle of the Civil War.  Kentucky has two.  One for the Confederate solders and one for the Union.  Well the second one has Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis so its questionable in my opinion that the Union Soldiers have their own monument. 

We have all now visited all of the continental United States.  Only Hawaii and Alaska left for us to see.  They boys may have to do those on their own! 

We decided this evening to switch up our drive home.  I rerouted us so we can go to a gun store that David has been wanted to see.  And it just happens that the route takes us right by Land Between the Lakes.  We have never been there even though its in Kentucky!  It will add an extra hour of driving but we are excited about it.  Speaking of driving, David has had a very hard time getting over the cold he gave me before we left, he may have bronchitis :(   So....I have done all the driving so far.  Luckily the longest drives have been just over 6 hours. 

Minnesota Monument

Illinois Monument

The Cairo, a battle ship that was sunk on the Yazoo river during the Civil War.  It was recovered 100 years after it was sunk!

A lot of the ship was intact.

This is a model of what the ship looked like before it was sunk.

Missouri Monument

The Kentucky monument.  Compared to the others it was a little sad. 

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