Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Way behind.......

I am not doing a very good job of keeping up with my blog :( We have been working really hard this year to stay on track with our school work. Between that and the two co-ops we are a part of AND that I have to work at the shop two day a week....I just don't have a lot of free time. My house is going to get up and walk away on its own if I don't clean it soon!!

We have done some fun stuff too!

We Went to the Cincinnati Museum center to see the Dinosaur exhibit and the IMAX movie Dinosaurs Alive. We love the museum center in Cincinnati, it use to be the train station. They still run a few passenger trains through there in the back. We want to take a ride on one sometime.

We have been invited to several birthday parties and made an impromptu trip to Evans Orchard with some of our homeschooling buddies.
Yesterday I decided that we needed a fun learning day. So we spent time outside at the Japanese garden and we went to Royal Springs park downtown. I saw a very interesting animal that we later decided had to be a muskrat. It was dark brown and kind of reminded me of a ferret. It went around some blocks and jumped right in the water!! We had lunch out and stopped by the library. I want to start a nature study a friend recommended but its one of those things that kind of gets forgotten about in the madness of getting all our other work done :( I really love our "unschooling" days and plan to have them regularly this year! It was the boost that we all needed.
Today was Michael and Anthony's gotcha day. They movied in with us six years ago today!

1 comment:

Backroad Mama said...

Happy Gotcha Day! We celebrate those too!