Monday, March 1, 2010

Birthday for Jacob

Yesterday the beautiful tiny baby that we brought home from the hospital turned 11. I find myself getting teary eyed thinking about the adventure we have been on. I remember the feeling of complete awe when I saw him, how could we be so lucky to be given this gift. I couldn't believe they just let us walk out of the hospital with him. I remember the first night with him....he cried most of the night. David got up at 5 and let me go to sleep for a while. Turns out I just needed to be still with him and not try so hard. I remember the day I found out his birthmother died. I was broken hearted. My wish was that one day she would want to meet him and he could know where he came from. He was the reason I got out of bed every morning when I was going through chemo. I remember when I almost died from the chemo and had to be in the hospital for 9 days. I called home the last night to tell David they were letting me come home and he put Jacob on the phone. He was only 2 and didn't speak very clear but when I asked him if he wanted me to come home he said "aye" (his word for yes) and laughed. Then when we got home he was waiting at the storm door watching for us.

I remember so much more, the love and pride he gives us and the smart mouth that he is starting to get while he learns to be more self sufficient. He is growing up and in some ways growing away but in my heart he will always be my baby. And once I asked him if he would still want to snuggle with me when he was 14, he said "mommy I will still snuggle with you when I am 24!" So here is to many more years of snuggles, I am going to hold you to it Jacob.


Jeannie said...

A beautiful tribute to that sweet child. Happy Birthday Jacob!

Linda N said...

Ah, very nice post, Juanita. Our boys are growing up so quickly. Kevin's word for yes was aye too. Interesting as I had never heard that before from anyone else.

Anonymous said...

Now I am crying... So, so sweet.
