Sunday, July 26, 2009

We joined the army.....

Ben Franklins Grave, in Christ Church Graveyard.

Signing up tp join General Washington.


Charging the enemy.

The very first lending library, developed by Ben Franklin at the age of 25!!!!

The platform where the Declaration was signed. Also the chair belonged to George Wahsington. It was called the chair of the rising sun.

The back of Independence Hall.

This morning we went back to the historic district of Philly with our friends the Wojciks. We got in line and got our tickets to Independence Hall. The boys turned in there books for the Junior Ranger program and got their badges. We had some time before our tour of Independence Hall so we saw the Liberty Bell again and Ben Franklins grave. We found a program for kids, re-en actors recruited people to fight for General Washington against King George. They did a really good job. Michael was singled out because of his enthusiasm. He was promoted to colonel, then at the end the commander gave him another promotion to sergeant!

We finally got to see Independence Hall. It was so cool to stand in the room were the Declaration of Independence was adopted and signed. But did you know that it was signed until August 2, 1776? Did you also know that the first draft the Thomas Jefferson wrote had a statement against the slave trade. It didn't make into the final draft.

Tomorrow we will see the US Mint and hopefully Betsy Ross's house.

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