Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Visiting Toledo

I drove the boys up yesterday to visit Alyssa in Toledo. Alyssa is Michael and Anthony's sister. Jacob also claims her as a sister and she as made him feel that way...thanks Alyssa!!

This trip was kind of not planned so we are winging it. Yestereday we went and picked up Alyssa, came back to the hotel to swim. It was raining pretty good but not storming so I let them swim in the rain. Around 11:30 last night it starts storming and I hear something. It sounds like running water. I thought it was the air conditioner but when I get up to check the window is leaking from the top. I put a couple of towels in under the window and left it alone. I didn't want them in our room at almost midnight and I didn't want to change rooms because Michael and Jacob were already asleep.

This morning we got up and went to the Toledo Zoo. We always enjoy this zoo, they have an awesome polar bear exhibit!! We saw some really cool fish and the octopus was very active. They also talked to a volunteer about the differences between a cheetah and a leopard. As always, Jacob amazed me with his knowledge about animals. It was pretty cool this morning but by the afternoon is was quite hot. So we left the zoo around 2 and came back to the hotel to go swimming. The kids swam almost 3 hours!!

For all the MASH fans out there....we had dinner at Tony Packos :) I had the sampler and got to try a hot dog and a cabbage roll. The cabbage roll was very good!
The kids are back in the pool. I bet they sleep good tonight.

Now I need to figure out what to do with these crazy wild kids tomorrow!!!

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