Thursday, March 1, 2012

Jacob turns 13!!!!

Jacob turned 13 on the 28th. Its hard to believe that it has been 13 years!!! March 3rd will be our gotcha day. Since we started homeschooling we have always taken the day off from school on birthdays. The birthday person gets to pick what we do that day. Jacob had said he wanted to go to the zoo on his birthday but kept changing his mind. He kept coming back to Natural Bridge. Finally he said "Natural Bridge...lets go before I change my mind again." It sure was a wonderful day to be outside, 60 degrees and sunny!

Before heading out we stopped at Franks Donuts and got breakfast. Anthony decided it wasn't worth waking up for, and he didn't want go hiking with us. He hadn't been feeling to well so I didn't make him go.

We hiked up to the bridge. It seems like a different hike in the winter with no leaves on the trees. We got to the top after several breaks for me ;) Michael and Jacob enjoyed running through "fat mans squeeze." They said if you run it makes it feel like it is collapsing in on you. It just makes me claustrophobic. I don't like closed in spaces, but I do it so I can get on top of the bridge.

We took our time walking back down. Then we stopped at the lodge and had lunch. Jacob and Michael shared a catfish sandwich. Then we went down to lower area where the pool and gift shop and other things are. Nothing was open and no one else was around so the boys just spent a long time playing around the water and on the swinging bridge.

One the way home we stopped by Logans and David and Anthony met us there. Jacob loves Logans, when he was little he called it the peanut place. Then we came home and had cherry flip and Jake opened his presents.

We made it to the top.

I just like the was the sun was hitting the clouds.

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