Friday, August 10, 2012

Jacob....doing what he loves

Jacob started volunteering at a local pet store today.  He has been begging me to go for the last week.  He fell in love with the bearded dragons at the reptile show last week and really wanted to talk to Andre.  I am not sure he will be getting a lizard, it is a lot more work than snakes.  But he has taken over the care of his snakes now and does a fairly good job.  Every problem I brought up about getting a lizard he came up with a solution.  I was very pleased with that...but I am still undecided about adding another pet.  He even asked Andre if he would givehim a deal , Andre knocked off 20 dollars on the price ;)  I had talked to Andre about a month ago about the boys maybe volunteering there and he put Jacob to work when we came in.  So I left him there for an hour.  When I picked him up I brought my camera :)

Jacob and his new boss.

 Feeding the bearded dragons

Now the frogs.

Ooops...puppy had an accident.

This turtle rules the pet store!!

Baby beardy

1 comment:

Jolee said...

That is a great volunteer job for him!!!